Understanding the Impact of the Arts on Housing: Talk & Panel at BARI Conference
Image by Dan Jackson / NuLawLab
Last month, I was thrilled to give a talk and participate on a panel at the Boston Area Research Initiative (BARI) Conference about my evaluation work of NuLawLab’s Stable Ground project. BARI is a fabulous and free day of lectures by researchers and academics in the Boston region whose work is focused locally. Amidst a day focused on more traditional data and analysis, I was happy to share the stage with fellow artists and arts researchers such as Nakia Hill and Arts Boston. Stable Ground is an innovative program based at the Northeastern University School of Law that brings together grassroots affordable housing advocates, artists, policymakers at the City, and trauma experts to build coalitions and make change. I asked the audience, while we may think of technology as devices and algorithms, what can embodied technologies like arts and community organizing teach us about changing entrenched systems?